Insights into what is happening in the membership sector
The report includes many comments from many respondents to help illuminate the findings, promote discussion and help generate fresh ideas.
There is also a summary of findings section and a handy recommended agenda for possible action areas, with useful questions to help start the conversation.
NB: It is an update on the 2013-2014, 2011-12 and 2008-09 studies, so in this study, in certain sections it has been possible to include a review of what has changed over the past few years.
Survey sponsor: smartimpact who provide intelligent CRM solutions.
The average retention rate by type of association (overall and also broken down by associations who only have individual members v. only organizational members vs. both types of members)
The average number of years in membership (overall and also broken down by associations who only have individual members vs. only organizational members vs. both types of members)
The percentage of associations predicting membership will rise or fall, and the reasons they gave for that prediction
Which recruitment approaches and promotional incentives they feel are most and least effective
The main reasons why people join
Approximately how much is spent on recruiting a new member (by subscription fee paid)
Activity undertaken to improve retention
The main reasons why members leave
The metrics that people are using to measure the success of recruitment and retention – and which are the most effective
What types of research associations have underway
The increase in the number of organisations using recruitment partners and the types of recruitment partners in place
An extensive review of the current key challenges faced by membership teams
The level of the customisation of communications to members
NEW: The use of the Net Promoter Score as a measure of success and the current average scores
The current questions respondents have for colleagues working in the sector
The percentage of associations who have regional or local groups
The percentage of associations with different fee structures
The number of categories of membership associations have
The key changes that people would like to see happen
The key advice that respondents to pass on to others